Manage Tender Knowledge

Create, update, enhance & access tender knowledge, information & documentation.
Give your Bid Teams and Subject Matter Experts the power to deliver quality content.
Key Stages
Assess content requirements & assign to SMEs
Compile corporate information,
images & documents
Identify standard tender questions & build responses
Regularly review, update & improve content
One Source, Access for All
Reduce time spent sourcing information from multiple data silos, people and geographies.
No longer be hampered by information delays and forced to reuse low-scoring responses to meet deadlines.
With TenderEyes enjoy:
- 24/7 access to comprehensive content for all stakeholders.
- A structured library with defined categories and sub-categories.
- Store documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, videos, presentations and images.
Make the Most of Q & A
Create, store and improve standard responses to reoccurring tender questions.
Avoid repetitive activity recompiling answers every time a new tender comes in.
With TenderEyes enjoy:
- Easier upkeep of Q & A with categories, assigned owners and keywords.
- AI ‘Swift Click’ for auto-population of Q & A between Bid Library and Microsoft 365 Apps
- Verified use through status, approvals and response quality scores.
Sophisticated Search & Returns
Save valuable time with better more targeted, and relevant content search and returns.
With TenderEyes enjoy:
- Simple searches for wider lists of returns.
- Advanced searches using logic for more targeted returns.
- Cognitive searches using AI for sophisticated and ongoing learned returns.
Confidence in Content
Better manage ownership, upkeep and ongoing improvement of content.
Alleviate risks associated with the use of inaccurate, out-of-date and low-quality information in tender responses.
With TenderEyes enjoy:
- Assigned content owners and send information requests and reminders.
- Visibility of creation dates, versions, update, approvals and status.
- Agile content review, updating and sign-off for ongoing use.
Content Management Made Easy

Get to grips with your content creation, upkeep, use and quality improvement.
Check out the TenderEyes Modules today!